Alexandre Plennevaux
LAb[au] laboratory for Architecture and Urbanism


aka pixeline

Nationality: Belgian

Born: October 16, 1973

Joined LAb[au] from november 1999 to August 2002, then pursued as freelance web designer under the pseudo "pixeline". Joined back in 2006 until 2009, during which, aside from participation in LAb[au]'s core projects and activities, pixeline dedicated his time on conceiving and developing the current LAb[au] online communication tool: metalab02. Nowadays, pixeline gives occasional help, maintains the metalab02, sends the newsletters and can usually be found behind the bar during MediaRuimte events - the coolest place in Brussels. He now teaches web design, usability & web development at Ecole Supérieure d' Infographie - Albert Jacquard in Namur (B).

Languages: French, English, Spanish

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